Disclaimer: Please note that the content on this website and the "Rest and Restore Toolkit" is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult a qualified healthcare provider for any sleep or health concerns. The authors of this website are not medical professionals, and the information provided should not be considered medical advice. Use this information at your own risk.

Get restful sleep and wake up refreshed tomorrow

All-natural tips and tricks to unlock the best sleep of your life

Fall asleep faster
Stay asleep
Wake up energized
30 day money back guarantee

Millions of people suffering? Sad, but true.

47% of people suffer from lack of sleep
NHS Study 2020
46% of people would trade 20 euros ($22 USD) for one extra hour of sleep
 YouGov Europe 2018
36% of people wake up feeling tired even after a full night's rest
 YouGov Europe 2018

Can you afford another sleepless night?

The Slacker

No sleep leads to lack of focus and loss of productivity.  Disorganized, absent minded, poor employment results and other financial challenges could follow. "Zoned-out" people can be dangerous to others in some situations.

The Go-Juice Snackmaster

The expense of coffees, energy drinks, snacks to boost energy can cost a lot of money ($3,360 per year average student).  Supplements and sleep aids raise costs even more.

Tired Groggy Zombie Monster

One of the most common complaints mentioned by our students when they join the program... "Run down", "Worn Out", "Tired All The Time TATT", "Groggy", "Dog tired", "Don't want to get out of bed".

The Worry Snowball

Insomnia can snowball into a bigger problem with worry. "What if I can't sleep tonight?  What if I have trouble sleeping forever? What if I sleep through my alarm clock, I could lose my job!"

The Emotional Trainwreck

 People who lack sleep suffer from quick temper, anger, and frustration when confronted with challenges. Emotional issues and loss of brain function lead to bad decisions and relationship losses.

Stop the suffering and dream better

Our breakthrough "Rest and Restore Toolkit" has a feedback loop.  People who use the program to learn better self control over sleep and provide feedback on what actually works. We use the member feedback to improve the program -- so you'll be getting only the best sleep secrets.  As a bonus, members learn about lucid dreaming.

What will you dream about?

People love our multi-modal life changing approach

"As a busy executive, I struggled with sleep and rest for years. The Rest and Restore Toolkit transformed my life! Now I wake up feeling refreshed, focused, and ready to conquer my day. This program is a game-changer for anyone with a hectic lifestyle. I highly recommend it!"

Real Estate Director

“"As an entrepreneur juggling multiple projects, getting quality sleep was a constant battle. From stress to anxiety -- The Rest and Restore Toolkit provided me with easy-to-implement strategies to improve my sleep hygiene and enhance my overall well-being. I feel more energetic and productive than ever before! Thanks, Rest and Restore!" 

Serial Entrepreneur

What's included in the program?


Ready for life hacking mini-courses, guides, and downloadable content?

We are continually improving the program to help people work through the specific issues --

Take a look at how we address each inconvenience with a specific program:

Suffering from reduced productivity, focus, and decision-making abilities due to sleep deprivation?
We cover this in our Sleep Deprivation Intro.

Unaware of the hidden factors disrupting your sleep quality, preventing restful nights?
Covered in the Sleep Saboteurs Exposed mini-course.

Not knowing which specific factors are undermining your personal sleep quality?
Take the interactive QUIZ: Sleep Saboteurs Exposed

Struggling with poor sleep habits, leading to restless nights and inconsistent sleep patterns?
Sleep Secrets Advanced Sleep Hygiene

Difficulty winding down and quieting your mind before bedtime?
Bliss Blueprint: Effortless Evening Calm Stories

Inability to focus and relax during the day due to mental exhaustion?
Focus Unleashed: Relaxation Guide for a Razor-Sharp Mind

Overwhelmed by daytime fatigue but unable to properly harness the benefits of power napping?
Power Nap Protocols: Master the Art of Power Napping

In need of quick and effective relaxation techniques to calm a racing mind?
Micro-Meditation: 5 Minutes to Calm and Focus

Hindered by technology usage that interferes with your sleep quality?
D​igital Dreamland: Harnessing Tech for Better Sleep

Struggling with the impact of artificial light on your sleep-wake cycle?
Lumens: Illuminating the Use of Light for Better Sleep

Seeking effective ways to utilize music and sound for relaxation and better sleep?
Sonic Serenity: Using Music and Sound for Resonant Relief

Exploring the benefits of aromatherapy for stress relief and sleep improvement?
Tranquil Essence: The Power of Aromatherapy

Overwhelmed by numerous relaxation techniques, unsure of which one will work best for you?
The One Technique To Rule Them All

Difficulty understanding the connection between your body and mind, affecting your overall well-being?
Body Mind Communication

Curious about the untapped potential of lucid dreaming and the benefits it offers?
Lucid Dreaming: Exploring the Potential of Your Mind Through Dream State Exploration

Struggling with suboptimal mental states and seeking ways to optimize them for peak performance?
Brainwaves Unlocked: Mastering Your States for Optimal Performance

Searching for a comprehensive guide to using binaural beats for improved mental clarity?
Focused Soundscapes: A Master Guide to Binaural Beats for Mental Clarity

Desiring a personalized relaxation technique that caters to your unique needs?
Take a look at our... Finding Your Favorite Relaxation Technique

Difficulty establishing a wind-down routine that promotes better sleep?
Sleep Tips: Wind Down Routine

Struggling to align your sleep schedule with natural circadian sleep cycles?
Sleep Tips: Rest in Rhythm - The Essentials for Harnessing 90-Minute Sleep Cycles

Seeking relaxation techniques inspired by yogic practices?
Sleep Tips: Yogi Disc Focus

Struggling with the impact of screen light on your sleep quality?
Sleep Tips: Colored Lenses and Night Modes

Difficulty managing screen time and finding quiet time at night?
Sleep Tips: No Screen Day and Silent Night

Seeking a quick and effective meditation technique for mental clarity?
Sleep Tips: The Instant Meditation Mind Clearer Technique

In need of techniques to manage and reduce stress for better sleep?
Sleep Tips: Stress Scrubber

Difficulty keeping nighttime distractions at bay, affecting sleep quality?
Sleep Tips: Deny Distractions with Counting Sheep and Beyond
Sleep Tips: Deny Distractions with Counting Sheep and Beyond
Sleep Tips: Recharge Your Eyes - Eye Techniques to Boost Mental Clarity
Sleep Tips: Dealing with Excitement and Inspiration at Bedtime

Want to hear about Extreme techniques?
(not recommended - use at your own risk)
Sleep Tips Extreme: Unlocking Mental Concentration Power
Sleep Tips Extreme: Maximize Awake Time with Biphasic and Polyphasic Sleep

Ready to get the rest and recharging vitality that you deserve? 
With only natural time-tested techniques?

Did you know this program (and all our programs) are backed by a 100% money back guarantee for 30 days?  

We have special pricing for a limited time during the Spring season.
Hurry up, offers available for a limited time.   

Place any order today and enjoy these amazing bonuses as a special reward ($150+ in value)

Sleep Hacks Basics ($79 value)

  • Wind Down Routine
  • Rest-in-Rhythm: Harnessing 90-Minute Cycles
  • Yogi Disc Focus Technique
  • Colored Lenses and Night Modes
  • No Screen Day and Silent Night Tip
  • The Instant Meditation Mind Clearer Technique
  • Stress Scrubber
  • Deny Distractions with Counting Sheep and Beyond
  • Recharge Your Eyes - Eye Techniques
  • Dealing with Excitement and Inspiration at Bedtime

Sleep Hacks Extreme ($99 value)

  • The Secret to Unlocking Mental Concentration Power
  • Maximize Awake Time with Biphasic and Polyphasic Sleep Strategies

100% Money Back Unconditional Guarantee
I'm not asking you to decide yes or no today...I'm asking you to make a fully informed decision, that is all.  The only way you can make a fully informed decision is on the inside, not on the outside. So, step inside and personally test the merits of our program. If it resonates with your needs, then that's the time to consider keeping it. However, if it doesn't fit, there will be no hard feelings. After you've signed up and explored what we have to offer, you may still decide it's not for you, and that's perfectly okay. It's like buying a house, you wouldn't consider buying a house without looking inside first.

Understand this, whether it's 29 minutes or 29 days from now, your satisfaction is my top priority. If for any reason you're not pleased, I won't be either. I'm committed to earning your trust, and I will only keep your money if you're genuinely happy with our program. If you decide you want a refund, it's as simple as emailing support@goalcoachonline.com with the message "I want my money back". We promise a swift resolution - our average response time for any support request is just 57 minutes. 

This guarantee is our vote of confidence in what we're offering - we're certain that once you sign up, you'll find what you need to improve your rest and enhance your sleep productivity.

Ready to go beyond Rest and Restore?Interested in elite groups and triangle programs?

Fill out the form and we will check availability (groups are small) and we will get back to you.

Full Name
Zip Code
Why do you want to join? (5 words or less)


Please note that the content on this website and the "Rest and Restore Toolkit" is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult a qualified healthcare provider for any sleep or health concerns. The authors of this website are not medical professionals, and the information provided should not be considered medical advice. Use this information at your own risk.

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Rest and Restore Toolkit is a trademark of Rio World Class LLC.